Saturday, October 30, 2010

October 27 Meeting Minutes

Hey everyone,

The October 27 meeting minutes are now online here.

We're looking into planning a Tea Swap closer to the end of the semester. We would get together, bring tea we don't want, and swap with people for tea we'd like to try. The event would be BYOM (Bring Your Own Mug) and we'll supply hot water for tasting the teas before you trade.

We would love any feedback you may have, or suggestions for planning. You can send us an email if you have any suggestions or requests.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

We're Official!

Good news, everyone!

Thé SFU Tea is officially a club! We're hoping to hear back about funding soon, and then we can really get going.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Second Meeting

Hey everyone,

We had our second official meeting today. The minutes are posted here.
We're going to work on posting the minutes and agendas as PDFs so it's easier to use.

Clubs still has to get back to us on our status, but we're going ahead as if we are until we hear otherwise. We have a committee put together to work on a logo. Our next formal meeting will be Wednesday, October 27 at 12:30 in the Philosophy common room (WMX 4619). If there are any changes, we'll let you know.

Hope you had a good Thanksgiving and have fun with midterms. Remember, tea has natural antioxidants that help your immune system during the flu season!

Friday, October 1, 2010

First Meeting

Hey everyone,

We had our first meeting on Wednesday. Unfortunately, we still don't have any word from SFU Clubs about the status of our application, and we don't an email list. Hopefully this will get sorted out soon. Until then, it's hard to contact people about meetings and when they would be available. Still, we did the best with what we had and wound up having an impromptu tea tasting.

The (very short) minutes are available here for anyone interested.