Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Tea Blending Event!! (and Nov. 8 Agenda)


I am so pleased to announce the details of our tea blending event:
Location: SFU Burnaby, MBC 2290
Date: Thursday, November 10, 2011
Time: 6:00 PM
Cost: $4 (to cover cost of ingredients)

Note: RSVP here, on facebook, or to sfu.tea@gmail.com
*** This is important, because we need to determine how much materials we will need! ***

We have a variety of teas available (including rooibos), along with a medley of fruits, herbs, spices, and some special ingredients that you can blend together into the perfect cup of comfort. Let's see what we can come up with!

In addition, I am equally (or maybe slightly less) pleased to reveal the agenda for the meeting today! I apologize for the inconsistency in posting agendas and minutes; the lack of attendance to Wednesday meetings has thrown us a bit off. I hope that this upcoming meeting and tea blending event will change that, though.

The agenda: https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B8sN4uVcbiO-YmE5ODUwYWQtMTc4Ni00OTc2LTllZTUtMTgwYTk2ZjU1NjAz

It's starting to snow and slush up on the mountain, so I'll be bringing more hot tea with me to keep me warm! Stay cozy.
